Power of Attorney
Starting from £249.99 plus registration fees
A Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) is a legal document that allows an individual to appoint one or more people to make decisions on their behalf if they lose the mental capacity to do so in the future. It is an important safeguard that ensures a person’s affairs are managed according to their wishes should they become unable to make decisions due to reasons such as illness or injury.
There are two types of LPA. One type deals with financial decisions, giving the attorney the authority to manage matters like paying bills, managing bank accounts, handling investments, and selling property. The second type of LPA covers health and welfare decisions, allowing the attorney to make choices about the donor’s personal care, medical treatment, and living arrangements.

How does it work with libertas estate planning?
Step 1: Schedule a consultation
First, you’ll need to schedule a virtual consultation with one of our team. You’ll need to think about who you’d like to act on your behalf if you were unable due to illness, disability or loss of mental capacity.
Step 2: Consultation & Document Drafting
We’ll meet and confidentially discuss who you have decided would act on your behalf as well as discussing your preferences on the decisions they could make for you. We’ll prepare the government forms and provide these to you for your review.
Step 3: Finalisation & Registration
Once you have reviewed the documents, we’ll then register these with the Government and the people included will need to be notified. This process can take up to 16-weeks to register the documents with the Office of the Public Guardian.